Voices of the Civil War

A Confederate Yankee

The Journal of Edward William Drummond, a Confederate Soldier from Maine

Durham, Roger S.

A Documentary History of the American Civil War Era, Vol. 2

Political Arguments

Mackey, Thomas C.

A Documentary History of the American Civil War Era, Vol. 3

Judicial Decisions, 1857-1866

Mackey, Thomas C.

A Documentary History of the American Civil War Era, Vol. 4

Judicial Decisions, 1867-1896

Mackey, Thomas C.

A Documentary History of the American Civil War Era, Volume 1

Legislative Achievements

Mackey, Thomas C.

A Fierce, Wild Joy

The Civil War Letters of Colonel Edward J. Wood, 48th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Towne, Stephen E.

A Legacy of Valor

The Memoirs and Letters of Captain Henry Newton Comey, 2nd Massachusetts Infantry

Comey, Lyman Richard

A Volunteer in the Regulars

The Civil War Journal and Memoir of Gilbert Thompson, US Engineer Battalion

Smith, Mark A.

A Yankee Horseman in the Shenandoah Valley

The Civil War Letters of John H. Black, Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalry

Coles, David J., and Stephen D. Engle, eds.

All Right Let Them Come

The Civil War Diary of an East Tennessee Confederate

Northen, Charles Swift

As Wolves upon a Sheep Fold

The Civil War Letters of Ohio Surgeon William S. Newton

Purcell, Aaron D., editor

Correspondence of Major General Emory Upton, Volume 1, 1857–1875

Cilella, Salvatore G., editor

Correspondence of Major General Emory Upton, Volume 2, 1875–1881

Cilella, Salvatore G., editor

Dear Courier

The Civil War Correspondence of Editor Melvin Dwinell

Risley, Ford, ed.

Doctor to the Front

The Recollections of Confederate Surgeon Thomas Fanning Wood, 1861-1865

Koonce, Donald B.

Fighting for Liberty and Right

The Civil War Diary of William Bluffton Miller, 1st Sergeant, Company K, 75th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Patrick, Jeffrey L., and Robert J. Willey, eds.

From Huntsville to Appomattox

R. T. Coles's History of 4th Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry, C. S. A. , Army of Northern Virginia

Stocker, Jeffrey D.

Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen

Reminiscences of the Civil War by John Eaton

Smith, John David and Micheal J. Larson, editors

In Memory of Self and Comrades

Thomas Wallace Colley's Recollections of Civil War Service in the 1st Virginia Cavalry

Shaffer, Michael K.

In the Shadow of the Enemy

The Civil War Journal of Ida Powell Dulaney

Mackall, Mary L., Stevan F. Meserve, and Anne Mackall Sasscer, eds.

John Dooley's Civil War

An Irish American's Journey in the First Virginia Infantry Regiment

Curran, Robert Emmett

Last to Leave the Field

The Life and Letters of First Sergeant Ambrose Henry Hayward, 28th Pennsylvania Volunteers

Orr, Timothy J.

Lee and Jackson's Bloody Twelfth

The Letters of Irby Goodwin Scott, First Lieutenant, Company G, Putnam Light Infantry, Twelfth Georgia Volunteer Infantry

Pearson, Johnnie Perry, ed.

Little to Eat and Thin Mud to Drink

Letters, Diaries, and Memoirs from the Red River Campaigns, 1863-1864

Joiner, Gary D.

Loss of the Sultana and Reminiscences of Survivors

Berry, Chester D., ed.

Memoirs of Lieut.-General Winfield Scott

Gray, Michael and Timothy D. Johnson, eds.

Memoirs of the Stuart Horse Artillery Battalion

Moorman's and Hart's Batteries

Trout, Robert J.

Memoirs of the Stuart Horse Artillery Battalion, Vol. 2

Breathed's and McGregor's Batteries

Trout, Robert J.

Miserable Little Conglomeration

A Social History of the Port Hudson Campaign

Thrasher, Christopher

My Dearest Lilla

Letters Home from Civil War General Jacob D. Cox

Schmiel, Gene

New Fields of Adventure

The Writings of Lyman G. Bennett, Civil War Soldier and Topographical Engineer, 1861–1865

Johansson, M. Jane

No Pardons to Ask, Nor Apologies to Make

The Journal of William Henry King, Gray's 28th Louisiana Infantry Regiment

Joiner, Gary D., Marilyn S. Joiner, and Clifton D. Cardin, eds.

On Duty in the Pacific Northwest during the Civil War

Correspondence and Reminiscences of the First Oregon Cavalry Regiment

James Jewell

Our Trust is in the God of Battles

The Civil War Letters of Robert Franklin Bunting, Chaplain, Terry's Texas Rangers

Cutrer, Thomas W., ed.

Ruined by This Miserable War

The Dispatches of Charles Prosper Fauconnet, a French Diplomat in New Orleans, 1863-1868

Brasseaux, Carl A., and Katherine Carmines Mooney, eds.

Sailing with Farragut

The Civil War Recollections of Bartholomew Diggins

Burkhardt, George S.

Sanctified Trial

The Diary of Eliza Rhea Anderson Fain, a Confederate Woman in East Tennessee

Fain, John

Service with the Signal Corps

The Civil War Memoir of Captain Louis R. Fortescue

Acken, J. Gregory, ed.

Suffering in the Army of Tennessee

A Social History of the Confederate Army of the Heartland from the Battles for Atlanta to the Retreat from Nashville

Thrasher, Christopher

The Civil War Diaries of Cassie Fennell

A Young Confederate Woman in North Alabama, 1859–1865

Snow, Whitney

The Civil War Memoir of a Boy from Baltimore

The Remembrance of George C. Maquire, Written in 1893

Powers, Holly I., editor

The Diary of Nannie Haskins Williams

A Southern Woman's Story of Rebellion and Reconstruction, 1863-1890

Uffelman, Minoa, Ellen Kanervo, Phyllis Smith, and Eleanor Williams, eds.

The Diary of Serepta Jordan

A Southern Woman's Struggle with War and Family, 1857–1864

Uffelman, Minoa D., Ellen Kanervo, Phyllis Smith, and Eleanor Williams, eds.

The Folly and the Madness

The Civil War Letters of Captain Orlando S. Palmer, Fifteenth Arkansas Infantry

Cutrer, Thomas W., editor

The Hour of Our Nation's Agony

The Civil War Letters of Lt. William Cowper Nelson of Mississippi

Ford, Jennifer

The Letters of General Richard S. Ewell

Stonewall's Successor

Pfanz, Donald C.

The Union Must Stand

The Civil War Diary of John Quincy Adams Campbell, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry

Grimsley, Mark, and Todd D. Miller, eds.

To Succeed or Perish

The Diaries of Sergeant Edmund Trent Eggleston, Company G, 1st Mississippi Light Artillery Regiment

Hewitt, Lawrence Lee and Thomas E. Schott. eds.

Two Germans in the Civil War

The Diary of John Daeuble and the Letters of Gottfried Rentschler, 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry

Reinhart, Joseph R.

Valleys of the Shadow

The Memoir of Confederate Captain Reuben G. Clark

Clark, Willene B.