For Authors

General Submission Guidelines

Please note we no longer accept fiction manuscripts

Please keep in mind the following when submitting material to the press:

  • The press publishes in a fairly well defined set number of disciplines. Please review the areas of specialization listed on our staff page as well as series information. Does your work fit our program?
  • What is your purpose in writing this work? What are your goals for the work?
  • What is the reasoning behind the scope and organization of the topics presented? How does this organization help you achieve your purpose?
  • What unique and/or notable features does your project offer? How does your work differ from other similar projects?
  • Who is the intended audience for the work?
  • What is the current status of your manuscript? What is your expected completion date?
  • Please include an expanded table of contents and one or two sample chapters, preface or introduction preferred.
  • Please include a copy of your current c.v. or resume.

University of Tennessee Press

Hodges Library 323
1015 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville, TN 37996-4108
