
Background in Tennessee

With a Critical Introduction by Bill Hardwig

Scott, Evelyn

Backpacking Tennessee

Overnight Trail Adventures from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains

Molloy, Johnny

Bearing the Torch

The University of Tennessee, 1794–2010

Hutton, T. R. C.

Beauford Delaney and James Baldwin

Through the Unusual Door

Wicks, Stephen, ed.

Beauty and Convenience

Architecture and Order in the New Republic

Small, Nora Pat

Been Coming through Some Hard Times

Race, History, and Memory in Western Kentucky

Glazier, Jack

Before Harlem

An Anthology of African American Literature from the Long Nineteenth Century

Mance, Ajuan M.

Before the Volunteer State

Ray, Kristofer, ed.

Beowulf and the Appositive Style

Robinson, Fred C.

Best Overnight Hikes

Great Smoky Mountains

Andrews, James, and Kenneth Wise

Birth of a National Park in the Great Smoky Mountains

Campbell, Carlos C.

Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and African-American Religion in the South

Angell, Stephen W.

Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era

Liberalism and Race

Kirby, John B.

Black and Catholic in Savannah Georgia

McDonogh, Gary Wray

Black Days, Black Dust

The Memories of an African American Coal Miner

Armstead, Robert (as told to S. L. Gardner)

Black Music in the Harlem Renaissance

Floyd, Samuel A., Jr., ed.

Black Power in the Bluff City

African American Youth and Student Activism in Memphis, 1965-1975

Kinchen, Shirletta

Black Radicals and the Civil Rights Mainstream, 1954-1970

Haines, Herbert H.

Black Tennesseans, 1900-1930

Lamon, Lester C.

Black Women Abolitionists

Study in Activism, 1828-1860

Shirley J. Yee

Black Women in the Fiction of James Baldwin

Harris, Trudier

Blacks in Tennessee, 1791-1970

Tennessee Three Star Series

Lamon, Lester C.

Blood Kin

A Novel

Powell, Mark

Blood Picture

L. W. Diggs, Sickle Cell Anemia, and the South's First Blood Bank

Nollan, Richard

Blues and Evil

Spencer, Jon Michael


Young, Katharine

Boone, Black Hawk, and Crockett in 1833

Unsettling the Mythic West

Lofaro, Michael A.

Born of Water and Spirit

The Baptist Impulse in Kentucky, 1776-1860

Traylor, Richard

Boys at Home

Discipline, Masculinity, and "The Boy-Problem" in Nineteenth-Century American Literature

Parille, Ken

Brigadier General Tyree H. Bell, C.S.A.

Forrest's Fighting Lieutenant

Hughes, Nathaniel Cheairs, Jr.

Bruce Grit

The Black Nationalist Writings of John Edward Bruce

Seraile, William

Building Bridges

Southern Anthropological Society Proceedings, no. 40

Shanafelt, Robert

Built with Faith

Italian American Imagination and Catholic Material Culture in New York City

Sciorra, Joseph

By Heart

Reflections of a Rust Belt Bard

Brady, Philip

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