Throwed Away
Failures of Progress in Eastern North Carolina

- Author(s): Flowers, Linda
- Series:
- Imprint: Univ Tennessee Press
- Publication Date: 1992-08-17
- Status: Active
- Available in Paper: Price $29.95 | Buy Now
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“This is a sensitive portrayal of a region away from the glow of Sunbelt prosperity. Linda Flowers tells a southern story—that progress for some southerners still is not a straight line upward, but a road with many detours. It is a story that Flowers tells with the insight of a scholar and the compassion and understanding of a native daughter.”
—David R. Goldfield, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
“. . . a provocative and disturbing work. Linda Flowers’s recollections and present-day observations reveal the human dimension of a story that is seldom told, and even then is often couched in the cold language of economic statistics. She has much to offer readers concerned by the stubborn paradoxes of the modern South, especially those of us who share her bittersweet memories of growing up ‘Down East.'”
—James L. Leloudis, Georgia Historical Quarterly
“Rather this penetrating, perceptive study of a land and a people and the realities of the change that overtook them is written with the grace and perception of a woman whose training gave her both insight into the meaning of such change and the language with which to describe it.”
—Betty Hodges, Herald-Sun, Durham, North Carolina
“The author accurately describes a region, once self-sufficient, that initially reacted with enthusiasm to the changes brought by agri-business and industry, but experienced the concurrent decline of economic stability and security. Her narrative will make the reader laugh, and cry at times, and enable the reader to visualize the demise of tenant farming and rise of textile mills.”
—Jerra Jenrette, West Virginia History